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Food Allergies

Книга - Food Allergies скачать fb2

Автор: Helen Stracey
Объем страниц: 220 стр.
Год: 14 мая 2019
ISBN: 9780007379644

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This one-stop practical guide will show how to understand the allergies of yourself, your family and your friends. To make your progress easier, it comes in a handy two-colour format with expert tips and advice throughout.Food allergies are on the increase and are becoming more severe and complex. This is an easy-to-read guide that provides advice on living with a food allergy or intolerance and how to diagnose them.More specialist topics such as eating out and travelling are also included, as is an extensive chapter on food allergies in babies and children, who are considered to be one of the most at-risk groups.

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