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On the way to the Hollywood dream

Книга - On the way to the Hollywood dream скачать fb2

Автор: Kirill Khorev
Объем страниц: 110 стр.
Год: 26 декабря 2021

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An ordinary high school student and young actor, Jake Evans, goes to auditions for various projects as often as possible. Things weren't going his way. But one wonderful day he gets a chance. Jake flies to Miami, where he is to star in the adaptation of one of the most popular books, which has won the hearts of millions of readers around the world. The filming, the premieres, the countless fans - it's everything he's been wishing for. And when his heart is torn between two girls, and one of them is - Patsy Jones (for reference: Hollywood's most attractive actress), then Jake realizes: not always the choice is easy.

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