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Don'T Summon Them

Книга - Don'T Summon Them скачать fb2

Автор: Carlos Ramos
Объем страниц: 120 стр.
Год: 29 июля 2021
ISBN: 9788835425960

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These stories encourage the reader to remember their deepest fears; stories that many of our elders still tell to this day, travelling by word of mouth through towns and neighbourhoods. Almost everyone has had goosebumps reading these stories and again the doubts appear: Can it be possible? For some, they are just stories to pass the time, to frighten children, or to teach morals, for others, they serve as idolatry, pretensions of magic and superstitions.

It will be you, dear reader, who will decide how to interpret these stories which are taken from the townspeople and there they return, between what is told beyond our borders and our own myths and legends. These stories may be between reason and fantasy and you will decide. The author is clear in that he does not bow to either of the two sides, he only recounts what he has heard.

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