
Книга - Insomvita скачать fb2

Автор: Oleksandr Dan
Объем страниц: 410 стр. 8 иллюстраций
Год: 22 апреля 2021
ISBN: 978-5-532-97175-2

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Can you remember what you dreamt about today?

Most people claim they do not dream of anything, like ever, although in truth dreams occur every night. But when we wake up, we forget not only the dream, but also the fact that we had one. That’s just how complex a human mind is and how little we know about it.

This book tells a story of Robert Blanche, a lawyer with a life split in two – the real one and the world of his dreams.

Every night he sees the same dream – his other life in another world. In that world of dreams, he is Trevor, a war correspondent, who doesn’t even suspect about a life on the other side of the dream.

One day, Trevor visits a psychologist, who induces a state of hypnosis in him, and, suddenly, his life is overturned. The hypnosis session soon leads to a series of shocking events in his life.

Inspired by true events.

Содержит нецензурную брань.

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