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Walking the Munros Vol 2 - Northern Highlands and the Cairngorms

Книга - Walking the Munros Vol 2 - Northern Highlands and the Cairngorms скачать fb2

Автор: Steve Kew
Объем страниц: 320 стр. 181 иллюстрация
ISBN: 9781783624331

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Walking the Munros is part of a two-volume describing challenging and inspiring routes to climb Scotland's 282 iconic 3000ft+ mountains. This volume covers the northern Highlands (north of the Great Glen), the Cairngorms and Isle of Skye.

70 challenging and inspiring routes are described to climb 143 Munro mountains. Covering popular and lesser-known routes, it is ideal both for Munro-baggers and those who simply love great mountain walking, and is a convenient size for slipping in a rucksack. This volume includes the mighty Cuillin, Five Sisters of Kintail and dramatic An Teallach as well as the Cairngorms, Torridon, Knoydart, Assynt and Glen Shiel. (Volume 1 details the other 139 Munros, covering the southern, central and western Highlands and Mull).

The half-day and full-day walks and scrambles range from 7km to 46km (with the option to reduce walking distance on some of the longer routes by cycling the approach). Detailed route description and 1:100,000 mapping is accompanied by information on difficulty, mapping, parking, access and nearby accommodation. The guide also includes handy lists of Munros, by height and alphabetically – perfect for peak-baggers – as well as useful details on Gaelic names.

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