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T'ai Chi. The "Supreme Ultimate" Exercise for Health, Sport, and Self-Defense

Книга - T'ai Chi. The "Supreme Ultimate" Exercise for Health, Sport, and Self-Defense скачать fb2

Объем страниц: 130 стр. 98 иллюстраций
ISBN: 9781462901586

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Master the Chinese martial art of T'ai Chi with this accessible, illustrated guide. T'ai-chi (Tai Chi) is an effortless and rhythmical art that stresses slow breathing, balanced and relaxed postures, and absolute calmness of mind. It requires no special equipment or place to practice and takes no more than ten minutes a day.This book, from renowned Tai Chi master, Cheng Man-Ch'ing, introduces T'ai-chi as a means to a healthier life, as a sport and as a method of self-defense. It is a complete step-by-step manual for the beginner. With conscientious practice, readers will master the sequence of thirty-seven postures that will make up the T'ai-chi solo exercise. Students will learn how to progress from exercise to sport to self-defense with maximum efficiency. The instructions are clear and easy to follow, and more than 275 photographs and 122 foot-weighting diagrams guarantee an understanding of the correct form.A history of T'ai-chi, including thumbnail sketches of famous masters, and the first English translation of the basic T'ai-chi document, known as the T'ai-chi Ch'uan Classics, are also included.

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