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Illustrated Ninja Handbook. Hidden Techniques of Ninjutsu

Книга - Illustrated Ninja Handbook. Hidden Techniques of Ninjutsu скачать fb2

Автор: Remigiusz Borda
Объем страниц: 230 стр. 272 иллюстрации
ISBN: 9781462914265

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Learn to master ninjutsu techniques and the Budo warrior ethos with this informative and entertaining martial arts guide.Welcome to the secret world of the ninja master! The Illustrated Ninja Handbook is your ultimate guide to the esoteric knowledge and teachings of the ancient Japanese shinobi. It provides ninjitsu devotees with the first detailed understanding of this shadowy and mysterious martial art form.This handbook contains step-by-step instructions that allow you to master the 40 most devastating ninja fighting techniques. It was created with the blessing of legendary ninjutsu master Soke Masaaki Hatsumi, who taught for many generations in the Bujinkan School—generally recognized as the leading ninjutsu school in the world.The Bujinkan Dojo encompasses nine separate ryu-ha or martial arts schools that are based in Japan and headed by Hatsumi. Bujinkan ninjas use both armed and unarmed fighting techniques, with weapons such as swords, bamboo shinai, and staffs. They also learn to defend themselves unarmed against weapons attacks. Author Remigiusz Borda studied and taught Bujinkan ninjutsu for many decades, and in this book presents the unique system created by Masaaki Hatsumi—the 34th Grandmaster and head of the Togakure-ryu Ninjutsu lineage.The Illustrated Ninja Handbook is based on hundreds of years of actual ninja combat experience and contains the traditional knowledge of the legendary Shinobi warrior clan who were instrumental in helping found the Tokugawa Shogunate.

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