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Years passed by, and I lost sight of him, until 1978 when I was first introduced to him by a close friend. He stood face to face looking deep into my eyes. I can still remember that moment, it was a powerful look like that of a tiger ready to attack its prey. It made the strongest men weak, but at the same time his big brown eyes were also friendly, like that of an innocent child.

Even though I was teaching an old Indian Martial Art, Varma Kalai, passed on to me by my father, I wanted to give it up and start training under him. But my family was against this idea.

Anyway! By and by we became good friends. We met not very often, but at least twice a year.

In 1981 I came to know that master Jamal had left for Europe and I was deeply sorry for not taking the opportunity to have studied under him or at least to bid him farewell.

In August 20, 1996 I came to know that he was in Malaysia to visit the Silambam Association. I rushed to meet him and was heart-broken when I heard that he had left. I drove down to his home only to learn that he had already left for Germany. But with all the sad news I also had something that made me happy. That was his book on Karate. I was in tears with happiness to see this young man as a matured man.
