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– I was saved almost immediately by the dragon I summoned and tamed, – she said half-truth aloud, and Adin nodded.

– Lucky! Your abilities opened up at a critical moment. I heard about this. But now that the barrier to taming dragons has been removed, you can easily turn in subsequent practices and not worry about being expelled!

Hooray! Probably. But that wild one confused me.

Now I doubted more and more that this dragon was wild. But how is it? Why am I able to tame him, even if only for a moment? Why wasn’t he afraid of me, like so many before him? Why did the laorte finally take on an onyx color? Obviously it’s no accident!

What, exactly, is the difference between savage and intelligent? They say that once, very, very long ago, some bisexual dragons went crazy with grief, having lost their true mate, then they became «wild», lost their minds and flew away here, to the mountains of the Eternal Ridge. They were not much different from ordinary animals and aroused only pity and some disgust in their intelligent relatives. So the Wild ones multiplied and bred, becoming a kind of isolated species. A species that eats people, flying out of the mountains into peaceful settlements. But in the magical universe for any action there is a reaction: so over time, in magicians, more precisely, in magicians, the gift of taming dragons began to manifest itself. People like me could ride dragons, make them obedient and use them for their own purposes – for example, for passenger and cargo transportation, because portals are not available everywhere and cost an order of magnitude more expensive than such trips. The gift of taming is manifested mainly in girls – someone explains this by the fact that the beautiful half of humanity is more prone to empathic communication, compassion and understanding. Therefore, the dragons obey only us – riders.
