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Although many do not magically protect the chambers. Why is it when there is a powerful defense throughout the academy, and patrol magicians guard the territory both at night and during the day?

Or Master Dan simply does not care about his chambers. With his habit of moving through non-stationary portals, I would not be surprised that his chambers here are only nominal.

But I’ll leave the oats anyway.

Groaning, I also climbed out the window. The girls were here in the living room, and were already heading resolutely into the bedroom when the siren sounded. Looks like someone got caught. The accomplices, shrieking, frightenedly rushed back to the open window. Adin caught her dress on a chair, so I had to disentangle her, and then seat her on the windowsill. And on time! A second later, the dorm was covered in a red spell net.

She managed to jump, but I didn’t.

I instantly sobered up. Farewell, winter ball at the academy!

– Run! whispered to her friend.

A moment of doubt – and Adin nods, running away towards the alley.
