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– Really? Very strange. The smell of the ingredients is all too familiar. Are you, student Wilt, going to protect yourself from me with an anti-love potion? he asked, and his voice was so… so… satisfied, in general. With notes of superiority. – Did you fall prey to my charms?

– Master Dan, let me ask you a question within the framework of the curriculum, – I said, taking control of my emotions, and after a nod from the teacher, I continued: – Is self-confidence and a complete lack of tact a trait of all sentient dragons or exclusively black ones?

The last question was a trick. Adin said that she did not know what clan Master Dan belongs to, but I could clearly see the color of his eyes. This is darkness. ruling clan.

He took a step forward. I am back. He takes another step, literally pressing me against the wall, without taking his eyes off my eyes. Demons tear apart these black pools! How many emotions are in them, how much is forbidden in them. It drives you crazy, makes your thoughts confuse, and your heart beats faster.
