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The top dropped a little lower, Max finished his last sip. With a gentle movement, I grabbed the neck of the bottle. She slid her fingers up and down, ran her nails across the glass. Only after that she took the whiskey and with a firm step approached the sofa. Before uncorking, she circled the cork with the pad of her thumb. Max held out a glass, and I removed the cork and tilted the bottle, letting the whiskey flow in a thin stream.

– That’s enough, – he said when the glass was almost half full. I lifted the neck obediently, but before closing it, I myself took a sip. Slowly, with an exhalation, she licked off the drop that had rolled down the bottle and with a sharp movement, knocking it down, lowered it onto the table. Whiskey burned his throat, ran hot through his veins to the very tips of his fingers. Now, when there was not even half a meter between us, I could see the dark brown iris of Max’s eyes, I could distinguish the shine of the chain running under the collar of the shirt. Hidden strength even now, masculine energy, power… I’m a butterfly with transparent wings for him. If he wants, he will hesitate, barely clenching his fist.
