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Back at our base, we all piled into our chalets and started cooking up all manner of food in the kitchens. Outside, the air compressor we used for filling air tanks, which we had towed from Ellon, was fired up and empty tanks put in line to be filled one after the other. Whilst this was going on someone, amid the cacophony of sounds, piped up

“Anyone fancy a night dive?”

All sound in the chalet stopped at that. A night dive was something only ever rarely done on our native east coast because of the distance of getting to the coast combined with the difficulties of getting access to the sea. There were often difficult rocks to clamber over in the darkness, fully laden with tanks and weights - as well as the difficulty of finding an exit point and getting back ashore. That coupled with strong local currents, which could sweep divers a long way away, very quickly, all prevailed against local night diving.

“Look,” the voice continued “Ok – so we’re all cold and wet - but we are all here – as is our kit. The slip at the pier would be a great entry point for a shore dive. We could then swim round to the left following the built up side of the roadway towards the harbour. There will be light around from street lamps and we’d know to keep the land on our left side as we go out. Then to come back, we turn around, until everything is on our right hand side - and just come back. Easy enough.” the omniscient voice said brightly.
