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After the morning dive we rendezvoused back at the Kyle slip for a surface interval and an early lunch. The morning dive had been fantastic and I thought that I had had all the excitement that would be coming my way that weekend. However whilst standing on the slip sipping tea, one of our divers, who worked in the oil industry, mentioned that he had been involved in the laying of a power cable across Loch Alsh from Kyle to Skye. The cable had come ashore on the remote northmost rocky corner of Loch no Beiste about half a mile from where we had dived in the morning.

Once the cable was laid, he told us, it had become clear that the cable had been snagged on some underwater obstruction. A Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) had been sent down to check out the obstruction and it had been found that the cable had been laid right over an old wreck just 50-100 metres off the rocks in about 15 metres of water. Wreck fever gripped us again and we agreed to have a go at locating this new wreck and diving it in the afternoon. If we couldn’t find it we could just enjoy a pleasant shallow dive to wrap up what had been a stunning weekend.
