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Sgurr Dhomhnuill

Mining in this area dates back to 1722, when Sir Alexander Murray discovered galena (lead sulphide) in the surrounding hills. Strontian was established in 1724 to provide homes for some of the 600 miners who worked in the mines in their heyday. Ariundle Woods provided timber for pit props and wood to make charcoal for the local lead smelters. Lead was required in large quantities for shot during the Napoleonic wars and, ironically, French prisoners of war were employed in the lead mines. You will see plenty of evidence of the lead mining industry on the route up Sgurr Dhomhnuill and the remains of charcoal burning platforms can still be seen in the woods.

Head up the good track through the Ariundle Nature Reserve, ignoring any side turns, to a fork immediately after a gate through the deer fence at the top of the nature reserve (120m, 84890 64850). Fork left, following the old miner’s track, which soon becomes an excellent path, eventually leaving the forest and passing through an area of old lead mines. Continue until the good miner’s path ends (1hr 10min, 280m, 86240 66700).
