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Climb roughly SE up the grassy slopes of Beinn Coire nan Gall. There are some boggy vehicle tracks on the slope, but they don’t tend to head in the right direction and are best ignored. Eventually reach the summit of Beinn Coire nan Gall (2hr 25min, 787m, 79220 79770). Head SSW to a small lochan (245m, 79130 79600) and climb easily up grass slopes between crags on the N ridge of Druim Fiaclach to reach the cairn on a rocky rib (2hr 50min, 869m, 79150 79170).

Follow the SW ridge of Druim Fiaclach, which has steep crags on either side, veering S to Bealach an Fhalaisg Dhuibh (745m, 78520 78560). Climb S to a small lochan then veer WSW, veering W, over a minor top and to the cairn on the summit of Sgurr na Ba Glaise (4hr, 874m, 77020 77750).

Head W, veering WNW, to the Bealach an Fhiona (701m, 76420 77980) and head W, soon picking up a wall which takes you all the way to the E summit of Rois-Bheinn. This summit has a very small cairn which includes concrete from the remains of the trig point shown on the OS map (4hr 45min, 882m, 75610 77830). If you have surplus energy you could continue along the wall to the W summit of Rois-Bheinn, which has better views out to sea. The W summit is about 3m lower than the E summit, but it is topped by a massive cairn which takes it to about the same height!
