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Wherever you park, head for the small green at Rivington village, taking a moment first to inspect the stocks that held the miscreants of yesteryear.

The Unitarian Chapel in Rivington is interesting; it was founded in 1662, and the chapel built in 1703. In its grounds, on either side of the path, there are some interesting date-stones from the 17th and 18th centuries. Here and in the chapel house beyond, the followers of American poet Walt Whitman (1819–91), known as the ‘Eagle Street College’, celebrated his life and works.

Pass the stocks, keeping them on your left in order to locate and descend a brief flight of steps in a retaining wall, and cross the road to a kissing-gate. Beyond the gate lies a wide, sloping meadow with a grassy path keeping close by the right-hand fence to reach a longer set of steps. These lead down across a stream to a path going right between fences and along the line of Dean Brook. Stay with this path to its end, at a junction with a broader trail.

Go sharp left here, crossing Dean Brook, and ascending gently for a short distance to reach the end of a broad track, on the right, running arrow-straight to the embankment of Yarrow Reservoir. Turn right and follow this track, strolling pleasantly along a walled lane with good views to the left and right. Ignore a branching track descending left, but keep on to cross an overflow that links Yarrow with Anglezarke Reservoir below.
