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Come to a country road by the entrance to Chartwell car park. When the house and grounds are open, refreshments can be had at the tearoom located at the far end of the car park. Cross the road with care and ascend a steep slope on timber-braced steps to a wooded common. Ignoring alternative paths to right and left, continue directly ahead on the route of the Greensand Way, among bilberry, bracken, heather and rhododendron, with oak, pine and sweet chestnut trees providing almost constant shade. Cross a narrow driveway and in a few paces come to a boundary fence. Turn right and continue ahead at a fork to descend a sunken path leading to the B2026 at TQ 448 515. At the fork it’s worth making a short diversion onto Mariners Hill. For this veer left and, leaving the trees, continue between a hedge and a fence to enjoy an expansive view over the Weald.

Cross the road with care and walk down the drive of another April Cottage. When this curves left, keep ahead for a few paces. The bridleway forks. Take the right branch among trees at the foot of Crockham Hill Common. Ignore alternative paths right and left and follow the track (it can be very muddy in winter, but minor diversions avoid the worst places) which brings you alongside the boundary fence of Crockham House. When the fence ends, go through a kissing gate on the right to enter the meadowland of Squerryes Park.
