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When you do start the fire keep a lookout for smoke seeping out where it shouldn’t – from panels or from part-way up the chimney or flue. If this happens, or if the room fills with smoke, put the fire out, open the windows or doors, leave the bothy and do not enter until it’s clear – carbon monoxide poisoning is a killer.

If using a stove make sure the ash pan is empty before you start and empty it the next day before you leave.

Do not leave a fire unattended, and make sure the fire is out when you leave.


Most bothies are near a water source (river or stream), and this is indicated within each bothy chapter. While there are many people who swear they drink from these without treating the water first, and have always been fine, it’s best to err on the side of caution.

The simplest way to purify water is by boiling it on your camping stove. Once you’ve brought it to the boil be sure to let the water roll for a couple of minutes before using it. If you want to save fuel take chlorine tablets with you or consider carrying in a water filter/purifier device, though these can be a bulkier option.
