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The common viper Vipera berus can be found in many hill areas, especially in the Zemplén, but it is unusual to see one, let alone get close enough to be bitten, and fatal bites are rare. The anti-venom serum is available at rural pharmacies. If the pharmacy is closed ring the bell for the pharmacist, who usually lives on the premises.

Drinking Water

Karst formation has diverted surface water underground in many upland areas and there are few clear streams. It is not advisable to drink stream water, and not all waterborne diseases can be eliminated using the ordinary purification tablets available in camping shops. In summer carry at least two litres of water per person and fill up whenever possible from the blue pumps found on village streets. Alternatively, the local bar will gladly refill your water bottle from their tap, or if you see a villager working in the garden ask: Kérhetek egy kis vizet? (May I have a little water?)

If the route does not pass through villages there are many springs (forrás or kút) marked on walking maps. They range from boggy hollows to elaborate structures built by the local walking club and named after some local worthy or historical figure. Springs and wells above and away from settlements and hunting lodges are likely to be clean, although there are concerns about the quality of water in parts of the Mecsek. Springs or pumps designated undrinkable are marked: nem ivóvíz.
