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Over the next years literally thousands of men would join his Franciscan order. Soon, women would unite with a second order set up by his friend and confidante, Clare of Assisi. A third order of laypeople would also be formed – propelled by the sincerity, humility and the gentle spirituality of the humble man of Assisi.

Operating from his base at the tiny Porziuncola chapel at Santa Maria degli Angeli below Assisi, his travels would take him to Spain, France, throughout Italy and to the Middle East as a peace-loving adjunct to the Fifth Crusade.

Back in Italy, Francis sought quiet, remote settings for prayer and contemplation – Monteluco, La Verna, Montecasale, Fontecolombo, and many more – all the while gaining fame as stories of miracles surrounded his mission.

Unknown even to his closest friends, at La Verna in 1224 he received ‘stigmata’ – marks on his hands, feet and sides resembling Jesus’ wounds on the cross. He kept these hidden from others so as not to appear proud.

Because of an ailment to his eyes, in 1225 the Bishop of Rieti begged Francis to come to his town and receive treatment, but the pressing of the crowds forced him to remain outside of town for several weeks at a quiet church of La Foresta. Then, in nearby Greccio, Francis’ temples were cauterized from his ears to his eyelids, although Francis insisted he felt no pain.
