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The trail now goes upstream closely following the splashing creek. The forest floor is almost completely covered with bracken and sword fern, bleeding heart, oxalis, salmonberry, thimbleberry, and other common species in various shades of green. The “river music” of cascading water and the songs of birds, especially those of the ever-present American robin and winter wren, provide audio stimulation and enjoyment. The trail does lots of small ups and downs but gradually gains elevation. At about 1.9 miles you go straight across an unsigned junction where an unofficial mountain bike trail comes in from the left. Shortly thereafter, you cross Cold Creek on a plank bridge. A horse-hitching post and two wooden benches make this a good rest stop.

Continue hiking amid increasing numbers of lovely, droopy-limbed western hemlocks. You briefly pull away from the creek and switchback up a heavily forested hillside. After this you make bridged crossings of two branches of Cold Creek about 0.4 mile apart. At the second crossing are a decent campsite and an unsigned trail heading downstream. You go straight on the main trail and switchback uphill, gradually leaving behind the sounds of “river music.”
