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Hypothermia? On Hawaii?

It’s possible if you go into the mountains. Remember that going higher is equivalent to going north into colder climates, and mountains are often very windy. Please be prepared as you would be for going into any mountainous region.

Biodegradable? Ha, ha, ha!

The following things are popularly supposed to be biodegradable if you bury them: toilet tissue; facial tissue; sanitary napkins; tampons; disposable diapers. That must be a joke. They often last long enough for either running water to exhume them or animals to dig them up. It’s actually pretty easy to carry them out if you put them in a heavy-duty self-sealing bag. (I use a couple of heavy-duty Ziploc bags, one inside the other.)

Extra hints for hiking in lava fields

Boots and clothes: Lava is unbelievably sharp—even the smooth-looking pahoehoe (pronounced pa-hoi-hoi) flows are full of tiny, glassy, sharp edges. Never walk on lava barefoot or in sandals! With every step you take, the lava cuts your shoes, so be sure your shoes are in good shape before you start. Lava is tough on clothes, too. Every time you sit on it to catch your breath, it saws little holes in the seat of your pants.
