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DAY 3 (Goddard Canyon Trail Junction to Disappointment Lake, 10.5 miles): Return to the Goddard Canyon Trail and turn south. Climb moderately through Franklin Meadow into a narrowing section of the canyon. Near the confluence with North Goddard Creek, the canyon widens and the grade eases as the trail passes through flower-filled meadowlands. Make a short, moderate climb to an unsigned junction with the Hell for Sure Pass Trail, 5 miles from the JMT junction (campsites).

Turn right (west) at the junction and begin a 4-mile jaunt toward Hell for Sure Pass. After a half mile, switchbacking climb, the trail follows a gentle 2-mile traverse that heads northwest across the west wall of Goddard Canyon. Near the end of the traverse, you hop across a creek draining the slopes below the pass. A short distance beyond this initial crossing, begin an 1150-foot climb that generally follows the north side of creek’s drainage on the way to Hell for Sure Pass (11,297´; 11S 370845 1184746).

The views of Goddard Canyon have been stunning since you left the Goddard Canyon Trail, but they reach a climax at the pass, where views open up to the west over Red Mountain Basin. While the route from Goddard Canyon to Hell for Sure Pass has consumed 4 miles of hiking, the trail down into Red Mountain Basin plunges rapidly to Hell for Sure Lake, tightly winding 500 feet down a steep gully to the north shore of the 10,782-foot lake. Tucked into a stunning cirque immediately below LeConte Divide, the lake is surrounded by polished granite slabs that sparkle in the sunlight of a typically clear Sierra sky. Tiny pockets of meadow make feeble attempts to break up the otherwise rocky slopes of the basin. A few campsites are scattered around the north shore, and fishing is reported to be good for medium-size brook trout.
