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After this pleasurable mile, the grade steepens and turns southwest away from the creek, angling down a forested moraine. The next mile descends continuously, and stands of red fir, Jeffrey pine, and quaking aspen welcome you back to lower elevation. The path levels out on open granite slabs at the bottom of the grade and reaches a signed junction with the Blackcap Mountain Trail. Turn right (west) along North Fork Kings River, soon curving northwest and shortly fording Fleming Creek. Cross a forested flat, descend a little to slabs near the river, and then climb an open hillside to a ridgetop with fine views over North Fork Kings River.


The entire granitic North Fork Kings River’s canyon was covered with glacial ice many times during the past million years, and the most recent glacier retreated up-canyon only about 11,000 years ago. At this spot, it is interesting to speculate on the route followed in this area by Capt. John C. Frémont, the “Pathfinder.” Historians are unsure of the exact route, but they do agree that Frémont’s party got lost high in this drainage in during Frémont’s second great expedition of 1843-44. They were caught in an early winter storm, were forced to eat their saddle stock, and finally retreated.
