Главная » The Sierras of Extremadura. 32 half and full-day walks in western Spain's hills читать онлайн | страница 46

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Turn to face the cairns. Continue the walk by going from cairn to cairn: from each one you should be able to see the next, and mostly the next two. Keep as much as possible to the old granite-paved footpath that is visible between the flowering bushes. The going is up and the cairns are very regularly spaced, mainly balanced on large granite boulders so they are visible above the bushes. Keep going up, following both path and cairns.

Come out at a more open area and the cairns are ahead and left. The path goes between tall pine trees. Looking left, you can see both the path and the cairns. It’s quite steep now with large boulders to negotiate. Tall pines grow in clumps of twos and threes but the little path continues.

Follow path and cairns to the left and below a rocky outcrop and trees. Walk up to the trees; the wooden fence around the Well of Snows, nestling in the trees, is already visible. The path arrives at the back of the well, through a gap in a low wall with cairns on either side. Turn left to reach the information board (Spanish only).
