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Читать книгу Gun Digest’s Pistol Shooting Tips for Concealed Carry Collection eShort. How to shoot a handgun accurately by mastering the double action trigger and clear malfunctions. онлайн

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Attaching oversized grips, particularly if fitted to the individual’s hand, is usually the best way to address these problems. Properly sized grips can go a long way in eliminating some of these problems.

While one’s choices in weaponry can be a touchy subject, in the cases of severe size mismatch the best solution is often to get a different gun. Of course that means changes to accommodate the lessened concealability, but is at least worth consideration.

Finger placement is critical

Back in Chapter Two I mentioned that fitting the gun to the hand was important to be able to shoot a revolver well, and that the key to fitting was the trigger finger’s position on the trigger. If you haven’t read that chapter to verify that your gun fits your hand, please go back and study. With the amount of force and movement that the revolver requires of your trigger finger, the better the gun fit the easier trigger control will be.

While occasionally there will be some mild disagreement from small segments of the revolver community, most trainers I’ve met recognize that the optimum trigger finger position is at the first joint (known as the distal interphalangeal joint, for the anatomy students in the audience.) Some trainers go so far as to call this the ‘power crease,’ because it seems to result in more force being applied by the muscles.
