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Dad would share some of these memories with us along the way and would include a lesson here and there when appropriate: A sharp curve in the highway served as an opportunity for an impromptu lesson in the operation and handling of a vehicle at high speeds. A highway merge became the focus of a lesson on defensive driving. A dip in the freeway was a physics lesson about the areas that would block radio signals from transmitting cries for backup.

As young boys eager to join the law enforcement profession and follow in our father’s footsteps, we wouldn’t have had it any other way. Indeed, much of the discussion was at our insistence and due to our constant questions. We found it fascinating, exciting, and educational and secretly made notes to ourselves to remember this or that fact because it might save our lives someday when we were grownups.

Our mother, ever indulgent, let our father weave the tales, while she tried to think about something else other than the dangers and horrors faced nightly by her husband on patrol. Dad was cautious to edit the narrative for young ears and sensibilities and didn’t talk about the gruesome details of what happened to God’s finest creations when they slammed into a 100-year-old oak tree at 95 miles per hour, or when they mindlessly drifted into an accident scene full of officers and firemen because they were attracted by all the flashing lights on the emergency vehicles—but Mom filled in the blanks automatically in her mind.
