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Читать книгу Newhall Shooting - A Tactical Analysis. An inside look at the most tragic and influential police gunfight of the modern era. онлайн

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As other officers split up into search teams and fanned out to the north from the Pontiac in search of the escaping felons, Officer Ingold returned to the scene of the shooting, took out a piece of yellow chalk that he used to mark accident scenes, and outlined the fallen bodies of his fellow officers, marking each with the name of the deceased.50

The deadliest law enforcement shooting of the modern era had come to a close.

It had taken four-and-a-half minutes. Learning the lessons from it would take decades.


1. I’ll refer to this event as the “Newhall shooting,” not the “Newhall incident” or “Newhall massacre” as others have. Calling this event an “incident” seems to downplay the significance of this historic lethal encounter, and terming it a “massacre” is equally misleading, since the term conjures images of unarmed or defenseless victims being killed by brutal, armed opponents. While the ruthless and violent nature of the offenders is not in question, the slain officers were certainly not unarmed nor defenseless during the encounter—they were merely overwhelmed by opponents who were better prepared to win the fight.
