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About two days after the cornfield hunt I was at home working in my office when my wife Colleen indicated that a wounded buck was walking through our back forty. Glassing the deer I could see a full left hind quarter was just about shot away, or eaten away. As we have big cats here in the northern foothills of western South Dakota’s Black Hills, I was not at all surprised. Getting a call into my local game warden I was given the green light to take the animal down. My weapon of choice in this case was the S&W M&P-15-T that was standing in the hallway with a loaded five-round magazine in the receiver well. (Out here in the wild west it is common practice to keep a rifle in the kitchen.)

The .223 can take deer humanely, given perfect shot placement, but there are better choices for the task.

Heading outside and reaching a large tree trunk, I steadied myself and then touched off a round with the Gem Tech-suppressed quiet gun, and the 36-grain Black Hills brand Barnes Varmint Grenade did the rest of the job. At 170 yards, and with bullet placement at the base of the head/neck, the hurting old buck never knew what hit him. That VG bullet made of dusted or sintered copper coring and a solid copper jacket just turned to a gas inside his head and upper spine area. With a muzzle exit velocity of almost 3700 f.p.s., this little fast mover did the job with both velocity and accuracy.
