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Hang on, what about film? If you’re still using film and you’re happy with the results, stick with it. And if you really want to master photography in all its aspects, there’s definitely a place in the learning process for shooting, developing and printing your own black and white pictures. But apart from that, you’d need a very good reason to buy a new film camera today, and if you’re in that situation you probably know it already.

Emperor penguins, Antarctica (Chiz) The heart-shaped moulting pattern on this penguin chick is entirely normal, if unexpected

For most of us it’s a moot point anyway. Money isn’t limitless and we don’t have time to master lots of different cameras. In the real world, camera choice is always going to be a compromise. There’s no perfect camera but there are lots of good ones. It shouldn’t be that hard either to find the best camera for your needs or to get the best out of the camera you do have. But one thing is key, and that’s being as clear as possible about what you want. What sort of situations do you want to shoot in, and what sort of results do you want to achieve? Maybe these are questions you can’t answer fully until you’ve read the rest of this book. That’s OK. We had to put this chapter somewhere!
