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At the far end of the ridge lie the Pinnacles, which can be either crossed with care, or bypassed on the southern side to gain respite on a brief col before pressing on up Crib y Ddysgl and on to Carnedd Ugain. A short descent from the Pinnacles leads to a narrow ridge with a minor bump in the middle, and then a more grassy section before it finally comes up against a shattered rock wall. Most walkers at this point tend to go left a little, to scramble through the rocks. But there is a satisfactory alternative directly ahead, up a short and narrow rock gully from the top of which it is possible to keep nearer to the crest of the ridge with correspondingly better views to the left and right. A short distance further on, the ridge narrows abruptly affording a scrambly route along the crest, or an easier option on the north side. Both ways are well trodden and lead to the trig pillar on the summit of Carnedd Ugain.

From Carnedd Ugain there is a short descent to join the route from Llanberis and the line of the Snowdon Mountain Railway for the equally short ascent by a constructed pathway to Snowdon’s summit, adorned with a spanking new café.
