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Llyn Llydaw is divided by a causeway constructed in the 19th century. Formerly it was much lower than its modern-day counterpart and prone to flooding, necessitating a circuit of the north-eastern end of the lake to regain the path, or wading, a sometimes hazardous prospect not because of crocodiles or box jelly fish, but because to misjudge the depth in the middle could cause a seriously chilling sensation in one’s nether regions.

One more lake awaits, Llyn Teyrn, the Lake of the Ruler, occupying a shallow hollow scooped out by a retreating glacier. It is believed to be so named because a local prince had the sole right to net fish there. On its shores are the ruins of barracks used by miners, and legend has it that they were occupied by miners from Brittany who fled at the outbreak of the Napoleonic Wars at the beginning of the 19th century.

Press on past the lake, and soon the track will swing around the end of the Pen Bwlch y Moch ridge and runs northwards to the top of Pen y Pass.
