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Donnla Nic Gearailt graciously offered to serve as a Subject Matter Expert on mental illness. Thank you.

That was about the book. The next is about me:

The officers who initially taught me Use of Force, especially Paul McRedmond (originator of the Three Golden Rules explained in ssss1) and Ron Bishop, in my opinion, did an outstanding job. They had a truly encyclopedic knowledge of force policy and law, as well as deep experience with application.

Hundreds, if not thousands of officers and criminals over the years have also taught their particular lessons. We were not always friends, but I still thank them.

The indomitable Kami, wise and beautiful, who has held me when I bled or wanted to cry, has kept me sane through everything.

This one’s for Mac.


This book is a gift, a peace offering. It is an attempt to communicate across a vast gulf in culture and experience, the gulf that exists between the Law Enforcement community and those whom they protect.

Each day, media outlets all over the country describe events where officers use force. Often, the reporters and the citizens question the need for force at all or whether the type and amount of force used was really necessary. Citizens worry that their protectors—with badges, guns, clubs and Tasers®—are caught up in the rush of power, or perhaps giving vent to anger or bigotry.
