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Ideally, verbal commands should be professional: no anger, no threats, and no profanity. You can make a case that profanity is closer to the “native language” of the average threat. You can show that sometimes, especially if you have not used profanity so far, a single example can get the threat to take you seriously.

There is more going on, though. Force situations do not happen in a vacuum. Every action the officer makes is not only accomplishing the goal but is also creating witnesses. A witness who sees an officer grab a suspect by the throat and slam him against the wall will interpret the act very differently if he hears the officer say, “Don’t do it you son of a bitch! I’m warning you! I’ll beat the shit out of you!” than if he hears the same officer say, “Sir, don’t swallow those drugs! You could die!” Same actions, same reasons, entirely different witness perceptions.

The application of force is one of the officer’s professional duties and he must do it like a professional…no anger…no sarcasm. Use calm professionalism because this is a job. Keep the ego out of it.
