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Take the bus from Bourg d'Oisans to Huez, an attractive village set on a steep hillside just below Alpe d'Huez, some 9km from Bourg. From the bus stop walk back down the road for about 40m, then take a track cutting sharply back to the left, signed for the Gorge de Sarenne. Contouring along the gorge's wooded upper rim, after 10mins take a path sloping down to the right. When the path forks 2mins later, take the right branch and in a few paces you will come to the old stone-built Pont Romain (1424m).

Cross the bridge and climb the wooded south slope to gain a high point with a direct view across the gorge to Huez. After descending briefly, the path then continues to the head of the slope, crosses meadows and enters the charming hamlet of Le Rosay (1550m), where there's a tiny chapel, some pretty renovated stone houses, and a view of Bourg d'Oisans.

Walk through the hamlet and continue on a tarmac road to Maronne, beyond which you come to Le Châtelard (1448m) in which there's a restaurant, La Fôret de Maronne. Keep on the road below this village, turning a few bends until about 15mins from Le Châtelard, waymarks on a tree direct you down a series of wooden steps to a forest path which you then follow to the left. About 7mins later come to the road again at a hairpin bend. Do not go onto the road, but take the continuing path descending the wooded slope.
