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The following simple exercise introduces a few of the commonly used commands to establish the size of your drawing area as well as the commands for creating straight line segments and circles.
You can start a command by clicking its button on the Ribbon menu, which is across the top of the screen, or by entering the command's name in the command line, which is the light-gray text-entry area at the bottom of the screen that reads Type a command.
look like thisbold
In this first exercise I ask you to do things without explaining why. Trust me; all will become clear in later chapters:
1 Set up an appropriate size for the drawing: LIMITSReset Model space limits:Specify lower left corner or [ON/OFF] <0.0000,0.0000>: 0,0Specify upper right corner <12.0000,9.0000>: 60,40Now, to be able to see the entire drawing area, type the letters Z A and press Enter. Note that there must be a space between the Z and the A.
2 Disable Dynamic Input mode to work with the command line: DYNMODEEnter new value for DYNMODE <3>: -3
3 Draw the frame: LineSpecify first point: 26,12Specify next point or [Undo]: 13,12Specify next point or [Undo]: 22,24Specify next point or [Close Undo]: 40.5,24Specify next point or [Close Undo]: 41,22Specify next point or [Close Undo]: 26,12Specify next point or [Close Undo]: 20.6667,28Specify next point or [Close Undo]: 25,28Specify next point or [Close Undo]: Enter