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5 Set the drawing limits that define the working area.Type LIMITS and press Enter.(I explain drawing limits in more detail in ssss1.)For now, ignore the Dynamic Input tooltip next to the cursor, and look at the command line. AutoCAD echoes the command name and replies to it. Set the limits of the drawing area by responding to the prompts: Specify lower left corner or [ON/OFF] <0.0000,0.0000>: Press EnterSpecify upper right corner <12.0000,9.0000>: 100,50 Don’t add a space before or after the comma of a coordinate value. It’s the final frontier. If you press the spacebar before you enter the entire coordinate value, AutoCAD will process only the text you've typed.
7 Establish the snap and grid drafting settings. Right-click the Display Drawing Grid button near the left end of the status bar and then choose Grid Settings.The Snap and Grid tab in the Drafting Settings dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 3-3. Note that AutoCAD LT lacks some options here that are present in the full version of AutoCAD.Change the values in the Drafting Settings dialog box to match those in Figure 3-3, and click OK when you’re finished:Snap On: When selected, constrains the cursor to moving in an invisible grid of equally spaced points (0.5 units apart, in this case).Grid On: When selected, displays a visible grid of little dots or grid lines on the screen (5 units apart, in this case), which you can use as reference points. The grid doesn’t appear on printed drawings.Snap X Spacing: 0.5Snap Y Spacing: 0.5Grid X Spacing: 0.5Grid Y Spacing: 0.5Major line every: 5You see a network of grid lines, 0.5 units apart, with brighter lines every 5 units, in the drawing area. If you move the mouse pointer around and watch the coordinate display area at the left side of the status bar, you notice that the values still change in tiny increments, just as they did before. I have more information on snap mode and grid display in ssss1.ssss1 Snap and Grid settings.