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When is a player offside?

Provided that he is not in his own half of the field, a player is offside when he is not in possession of the ball and he is nearer to his opponents’ goal line than both the ball and the second last opponent (including the goalkeeper). If an offside infraction is called, the opponent is awarded an indirect free kick (IFK). There is no offside offence if a player receives the ball directly from a goal kick, a throw-in, or a corner kick.

Regulation Procedure For a Kickoff

• All players must be in their own half of the field.

• The opponents of the team taking the kickoff must be at least 10 yards (9.15 metres) from the ball until it is in play.

• The ball is stationary on the centre mark.

• The referee gives a signal.

• The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves forward any amount.

• The kicker may not touch the ball again until it has touched another player.

Should a player always be penalized for being offside?

No. As with so much else on the soccer pitch, it is up to the discretion of the referee whether or not to call a player offside. A player in an offside position is usually only penalized if, at the moment the ball touches or is played by one of his team, he is, in the opinion of the referee, involved in active play by interfering with play, interfering with an opponent, or gaining an advantage by being in that position.
