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Читать книгу King's Applied Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis of Domestic Mammals онлайн

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This book on the applied anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis originated from the lectures given by Tony King, Dr Keith Benson and myself. We were fortunate to be joined by Dr John Cox, a member of the clinical staff and an expert on mammalian reproduction. John made a valuable contribution to the chapters on pelvic anatomy, and I am grateful for his help and enthusiasm. The book contains a selection of diagrams to illustrate the text, and I am indebted to my wife, Dr Judith Skerritt, for her patience and skill in developing most of these. Finally, I needed help with the section on recent advances in diagnostic procedures particularly in equine patients. I am grateful to Dr Dave Stack for filling the gap. He is a clinician with particular experience of modern diagnostic techniques especially in regard to equine patients.

Geoff Skerritt


I would like to thank my wife, Judith, for her constant support and for her input into the illustrations. Wife, Judith, a mathematician, gave invaluable help to the computerisation of many of the figures so that they would be correct. She has helped me with the anatomical illustrations. Her skilfull use of the computer brought invaluable results to many otherwise typical anatomical diagrams.
