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Читать книгу Trail and Fell Running in the Yorkshire Dales. 40 runs in the National Park, including the Three Peaks онлайн

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The moon setting over Norber

1 Take the track W towards Clapham for 30 metres. Turn R over stile and run along the grassy track through the field to a wall. Turn R up to a wall corner. Cross through the small wooden gate and follow the path alongside the wall to the corner. Bear R and climb to meet a path. Turn R and follow the path for approximately 50 metres to a small, flat, grassy area and fingerpost. Turn L, taking a small path up through a short rocky section. Bear R then L, following one of the small grassy paths diagonally N up through the Norber Erratics to a wall corner marked by a ladder stile at SD 765 702 1.2km.

Running through the Norber Erratics (photo: Adrian Dellbridge)

Erratic deposits

The Norber Erratics are boulders of Silurian sandstone deposited by the last ice age. They lie on the surface, overlying the beds of limestone below.

2 Cross the wall and go straight ahead for a few metres to reach a small, stony path. Turn R and follow this path as it contours around the valley. After 400 metres, fork L on a grassy path heading for a notch in the limestone outcrop. Run through the notch and take one of the small paths heading N for approximately 500 metres, to reach a large cairn at Long Scar, adjacent to a grassy bridleway 2.8km.
