Главная » Walking in the Yorkshire Dales: North and East. Howgills, Mallerstang, Swaledale, Wensleydale, Coverdale and Nidderdale читать онлайн | страница 55

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The railway, carried high above the river on a striking cast-iron skew bridge, ran from Ingleton to Lowgill at the foot of the Lune Gorge, where it connected with the main west coast route to Carlisle.

Cross and follow the road left past the entrance to Ingmire Caravan Park, continuing for a further ¼ mile (400m) to find a path leaving through a kissing-gate and signed to High Oaks. Negotiating a stream at the far side of the field, bear left over the shoulder of a small hillock.

At the far corner, a hedged path leads to the cottages at High Oaks. Go right and then left to the corner of a track. Turn right between the buildings to a second junction and there walk right again, climbing away on a hedged grass track.

Through a small gate at the end, a sign directs you right to Lincoln’s Inn Bridge. Ignore a path shortly signed off to Ingmire, and instead, continue to a gate in the far corner. Carry on at the field edge and then along a hedged track to Luneside.

Wind right through the farmyard, as if to leave along the access track, but almost immediately bear off through a gate on the left. Head for a lone ash and then follow the fence to a stile, the path falling beyond to accompany the riverbank up to Lincoln’s Inn Bridge.
