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Day 2: A short but scenically spectacular day’s walk takes the TVB along the exposed path of the Sentier des Chamois, with the Grand Combin fully displayed across the valley. Col Termin then directs the route northeastward above the Louvie combe, with a path descending to Lac de Louvie and (3hrs from Mont Fort) the cosy Cabane de Louvie (2250m) built in 1997 by the Bagnes commune.

Day 3: This is a demanding stage; not long (4½–5hrs) but reasonably tough and with exposed sections of trail that demand caution. It begins by climbing steeply to cross a ridge spur at about 2490m, the east side of which is exposed and precipitous. Descending into a hanging valley, the way then climbs again to cross the Tête du Sarclau, followed by a long descending traverse path that eventually reaches the valley bed at Mauvoisin, where a small hotel sits in the shadow of the massive concrete barrage wall.

Day 4: From Mauvoisin to Cabane de Chanrion near the head of the valley is a 3½hr delight. A road tunnel leads onto the dam wall, and on the eastern side of Lac de Mauvoisin a track gives 30mins or so of easy walking before you break away on a zigzag path rising into pastureland where ibex, marmot and chamois may all be seen. Passing between the Lacs de Tsofeiret the TVB mounts a grassy spur to Col de Tsofeiret; grass on one side, a steep rocky descent with fixed chains and timber steps on the other. (Some stonefall danger.) The trail continues across a wilderness of moraine to reach the SAC’s Cabane de Chanrion at 2462m.
