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Beyond Le Châble the main road bypasses Montagnier on the opposite bank of the river, but goes through Versegères and Champsec where it then crosses to the north side of the Drance de Bagnes and enters Lourtier (1072m). Having a supermarket, this is a useful place for stocking with supplies for the mountains. Overnight accommodation is possible here at La Vallée, which has 33 beds and 88 dormitory places (www.vallee.ch).

On the edge of the village a secondary road breaks away, recrossing the river to make a long winding ascent of the southern hillside, on the way topping a promontory known as La Ly to reach Cabane Brunet (Cabane Marcel Brunet: 2103m), which has a small pool lying before it. Owned, like the Cabane de Louvie, by the Bourgeoisie de Bagnes, this is understandably popular with day visitors for whom lunch with a view of the distant Dents du Midi makes the drive worthwhile. But it is also well used by ski-mountaineers in springtime, and by walkers tackling both the Tour des Combins and Tour du Val de Bagnes. Permanently staffed from July to September, and partially open from mid-December to the end of May, it has 65 dormitory places (tel 027 778 18 10) and a homely restaurant-dining room.
