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Where the fence and wall meet, bear left to clamber down a short rock step. Follow the wall for about 400m until it reaches a more level stretch, and here look for a path branching left (ignore the tempting ladder-stile ahead). Drop through bouldery terrain, and then continue the descent, now across a sloping rough pasture to a gate in a wall corner.

Through the gate bear right through reeds, still descending. The path winds round to Windy Clough. Windy Clough is an ice-age ravine, and Little Windy Clough, also ice age, is seen clearly a little higher.

Windy Clough, Clougha Pike

At the edge of Windy Clough go left to a ladder-stile and descend through a shallow gully flanked by bilberries and bracken. The path is often overgrown but easy enough to follow, and descends through light woodland of oak, ash, birch, willow and hawthorn. Later, the path runs beside a stream, and passes through an area of gorse and on to a stretch of boardwalks around the edge of a marshy area, filled in spring and summer with rafts of bog cotton and bog asphodel.
