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Boston, Mass.


Karate is the defense of one's self from an attack without the aid of any weapon, such as a club, knife, or gun. It is the use of one's own body in a perfectly controlled and precise manner performing highly skilled and intricate movements in a moment of an attack by one or more persons.

The literal meaning of the word "karate" is empty hand or open hand. A person extending a hand in a clenched fist signifies violence (or the past or present performance of a violent act). A person extending the same hand, open, signifies a definite sign of friendliness (as in the shaking of hands). If the need arises, the same open hand can become a violent and devastating instrument of self-defense.

Karate originated in India, and was introduced into China 3,000 years ago. Through a period of time, as it was taught to the people, karate spread north, south, east, and west. Techniques depended upon the locality of its study—if the people studying karate were tall, they specialized in leg techniques; if on the other hand they were short, the specialization was in hand techniques. Thus there are many theories as to the correct movements in karate.
