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In the beginning, one will have difficulty practicing the predetermined attack-response patterns taught. The beginning and intermediate students have not learned yet how to respond spontaneously or creatively as they are still too focused on learning the craft of aikido. Eventually, the advanced student will be able to express the art of aikido by responding spontaneously and creatively, without thought.

Like the flow and the zone, takemusu-aiki demonstrates a detached absorption in an activity with a sense of spontaneity and peak power. There are several ways of training toward takemusu-aiki, but the actual experience comes from letting go and trusting that training. This state requires the ability to center solely on the task, the use of persistent and consistent training, and the ability to remove conscious thought and control.

To train toward the goal of takemusu-aiki, the advanced aikido practitioner never forgets to continually train in the basics of aikido. It is only through the honest and genuine training and discipline through realistic repetition that the basics become naturally occurring patterns of behavior and movement. As one gains proficiency in the basics, both the body and the mind relax. The advanced practitioner of aikido begins training against random attacks and allows the development of consciousness and responsiveness. Jiju-waza is the freestyle training against an individual. Randori is the practice against multiple attackers. Both jiju-waza and randori are essential to becoming more effective and efficient in technique and more confident and spontaneous. Takemusu-aiki is the natural product of consistent and persistent training with honest and genuine intent and intensity. At some point, the advanced aikido practitioner simply enjoys the flow of the training. Relaxed and focused, the attack dictates the response. The advanced practitioner follows the natural flow of ki, enters and blends with it, redirects it, and harmoniously resolves the conflict nonviolently.
