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Guido Pagliarino

Personal Terror Political terror

A novel

Translation by Barbara Maher

Guido Pagliarino

P ersonal Terror Political Terror

A novel

Translation from Italian to English by Barbara Maher

Tektime Dist r ibution

Copyright © 2021 Guido Pagliarino – All rights belong to the author

Original work in Italian:

Il Terrore Privato Il Terrore Politico – Romanzo - Written between 2006 and 2009

1st Edition, in hard copy and in various electronic formats, Copyright © 2012-2013 GDS Editions

2nd Edition, in hard copy printed by Create Space, and in e-books of various formats edited by the author, Copyright © 2016 Guido Pagliarino

3rd Edition, in hard copy and in e-books of various formats, Tektime Distribution, Copyright © 2017 Guido Pagliarino

The cover of this book was designed electronically by Guido Pagliarino, Copyright © of the Author

Apart from persons appearing in news stories and history, the characters, events, people’s names and surnames, the names of organizations and businesses and their locations, which appear in the novel, are imaginary. Any references to real or judicial persons and, in general, to past and present reality are involuntary.
