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THERE is perhaps no greater disservice to man than the creation of false confidence in his ability to defend himself. Whether this false confidence is manifested in his nation's armed might, or his own personal ability, the result is the same, though of different proportions, when tested—disaster!

The current karate boom in the U.S.A. has instilled in many would-be experts a serious, false sense of security. This is the natural outgrowth of a human psychological weakness. Everyone wishes to be physically fit and able to defend himself and his loved ones from danger and quickly turns to any sure-fire guarantee of such abilities.

Unscrupulous and unqualified self-appointed karate "experts" daily exploit this human weakness and prey on an innocent, unsuspecting public. This grossly perpetrated fraud is based on the quick learning of ancient mysterious Oriental combative forms such as karate, and almost always makes its appeal colorful through the use of adjectives such as "super," "destructive," "terror tactics," and guarantees you mastery of an art that will make you "fear no man." All such get-skillful-quickly schemes should be carefully investigated before taking them seriously, for true karate involves constant dedication to training and is never a short-course method. Choose your instructor carefully.
