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Born January 17, 1920, Koichi Tohei had just turned thirty-three years old at the time of this historic first visit. Having begun his study of what was then known as aiki-budo in 1939, by 1953 Tohei was ranked hachidan (eighth degree black belt) and was shihan bucho (chief instructor) at the Aikikai Hombu headquarters dojo in Tokyo. This, understandably, made him a natural choice to introduce this relatively new martial art to the Western world. Not surprisingly, the Hawaiian martial arts community was buzzing with anticipation of Tohei Sensei’s visit. As Suenaka recalls, “Everybody got all excited and said, ‘Hey, this is a new martial art, they say it’s better than anything around.’” Also not surprisingly, Warren Suenaka learned early on through Nishi-san of the impending visit and made a point of attending Tohei’s first Hawaiian demonstration. Naturally, he took his sons with him.

Suenaka Sensei with Shin-Shin Toitsu Aikido founder Koichi Tohei at a party in Punaluu honoring O’Senseis Hawaiian visit; March, 1961.
